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Bill Hull, a retired Presbyterian minister, is one of our great Habitat Pinellas and West Pasco volunteers. Coming from a construction background, Bill used his skills to start volunteering with Habitat in the 1980s. Bill is one of our Weekday Warriors, individuals who volunteer with Habitat at least two days per month.

“For me Habitat is a great blending of my construction experience and my ethical and moral commitment to serve the greater good.  I respect and affirm the protocols that Habitat follows in vetting potential homeowners and the support that is available following a move in.”

Why did Bill choose to volunteer with Habitat? He says, “It is a great feeling at the end of a workday at Habitat to step back, and look at what all of us together accomplished. I like learning new things. A lot has changed in construction since my prior work experience in the late 1950-80’s, and the Habitat supervisors are great coaches and teachers. Frequently, a Home Owner Candidate works with us on a project, sometimes even the candidate for the house we are working on that day.  I always enjoy hearing their stories and offering them affirmation and encouragement.”

Bill says, “My best memory is always the latest home dedication I attended.”

Thank you, Bill, for being such a great volunteer at our organization!

One Comment

  • Ken says:

    Great testimonial of why people volunteer at Habitat and the fulfillment that they receive.

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