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“Habitat for Humanity is a program that gives families the opportunity of a lifetime!”

Lisandra Vazquez is a Surgical Technologist in Labor and Delivery at Morton Plant Hospital and a single mother to her 4-year-old son Leonardo and a baby boy named Nicolas. Little Leo loves superheroes, anything to do with the outdoors, and playing soccer. When talking about her family, Lisandra says “We are super close. My son is my best friend! On my days off I try to keep busy so we’re always on the go. We spend time with close family a lot as well. My mom is a huge part of my support system so we spend a lot of time with her.”

For the Vazquez’s, apartment living has been has become a major struggle. “What is challenging for my family is that I don’t have the room to give my kids a comforting and spacious home.” Currently, Leo’s room is very small and Lisandra has to put the new baby crib right next to his bed. They also do not have any extra closets in the apartment, which makes it hard to store of save space for anything. Lisandra says “With our family growing, I feel that it would be hazardous for all of our things to be crammed together.”

Being accepted into the Habitat program was a dream come true for Lisandra and her family. She describes it as “one of the most joyous moments of her life”. Before she knows it, Lisandra and her growing family will have a branch new, spacious forever home for her and her boys to grow and make new memories in together. She is excited to give her children a stable home with a roof over their heads. “My house will be cherished and appreciated.”

When Lisandra first applied to the Habitat program, she did not get in. “I honestly never saw the day that I would get into the program because I had collections and I wasn’t as responsible with my credit cards as I thought I was but I kept pushing.” While staying resilient, Lisandra worked closely with Habitat employees to help fix what she needed so that she would qualify for the program. “Jack told me what needed to be fixed and I just kept going! I took care of each negative thing one at a time and finally made it. It wasn’t easy at all and it took months.” Lisandra never gave up and her hard work paid off. Her dream of homeownership is finally becoming a reality, and the same could happen for you or your loved one. For more information on applying for the Habitat for Humanity program, FAQs, and info sessions, please check out our Apply Page on our website.

“This organization does the most in helping families achieve things they probably wouldn’t have been able to do on their own. And the fact that this is available for our community is a blessing.”

The Vazquez Family home was dedicated on July 21st, 2023.

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