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“I can imagine my life more at peace and much less stressful knowing I have built stability for me and my children. This would be a place we can always call home.”

Lawanza Scott is a single mother to three children and has work in the Heath Administrative Services field at the Department of Veteran Affairs for over five years. She describes herself as being a
mother first while dedicating herself to her children and their needs. “I am a hard worker, empathetic, nurturing, goal oriented, and loving,” she explains to us. She tells us that her family and her children are her world. Her 13-year-old son, Sylvester, is the oldest child in the family. He enjoys playing video games, football, and hanging out with his friends. The middle child of the family is 10-year-old Sincere who loves to cheer, tumble, make TikToks and talk on the phone with her friends. The youngest of the family is four-year-old Daleah who enjoys playing dress up, dancing, and getting her toes and nails polished. “I would describe my family as being close-knit, fun, affectionate and charismatic,” Lawanza tells us. “My family means the world to me. I pray that they retain all the wisdom I have instilled in them when starting their own family one day.”

Like many other families in our community, the Scott’s have experienced financial struggles due to the extremely high cost of living. Lawanza has found is a constant struggle to make ends meet and to provide for all of the needs that her children require. When Lawanza learned of the news that she was accepted into the Habitat for Humanity program, she felt excited, surprised, and humbled. “Habitat for Humanity is a blessing to me and my children and all the others they have provided stability for. It is a life changing program for all who are involved.”

“I am most looking forward to making forever memories by sharing home cooked meals, birthdays, and holidays together in our new home,” Lawanza explains to us. “The children and I are already thinking about how we will decorate our rooms.” A Habitat home like this could not be possible without the financial support from our community. If you or your business are interested in supporting our cause, please check out our Donate Page for more info on our sponsorship and donation opportunities.

“Even though this is a process that doesn’t happen overnight don’t be afraid to take the risk. The bigger the risk the greater the reward. Stay fruitful and motivated.”


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