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“I looked forward to the future of saying ‘I have arrived at my home-sweet-home!’”

Lester and Brenda have been married for 14 years. “We love each other and are trying to accomplish our dream of living together in our future home.”

Prior to entering the Habitat homeownership program, the couple lived in a small mobile home with Brenda’s mother, where they shared one bathroom and packed all of their belongings in a small bedroom. The family is hoping for a child in the near future, and they wanted to be able to cover their needs without the burden of expensive rent. They wanted to have their own space that will make this dream possible.

“Living in an affordable, beautiful, and new house is something extraordinary to any family, and is the dream of all good people. The Bible states, ‘There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.’ We are happy to be working for the sake of our family, and for others.”

The couple enjoyed working with the other volunteers. “We liked learning the trade of construction and appreciate all the effort involved in building houses.”Rubio-Rodriguez Keys

They encourage others to become a Habitat volunteer, as it is a wonderful opportunity to make friends, and see the positive energy of helping others and yourself.

Lester and Brenda closed on their Habitat home in March of 2020. Special thanks to their home sponsors, Carolina and Michael Holtz.

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