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“Our home will be a place where love lives and where God will always lead us each day.”

Richard and Troi Rimpson believe that faith will guide you through the best days and your darkest moments. They also believe faith is why they are in the Habitat homeownership program. Richard is an army veteran who works as a GoPuff delivery driver. They have a son, Xzavyr (21) who is interested in computers and animation.

Military Service

Richard Rimpson took his oath of enlistment into the United States Army on Jan 27, 1990 in Aurora, Colorado.  He shipped to recruit training at Fort Benning, Georgia in June 1990 and graduated in August of the same year.  After graduation and earning the military occupation specialty 11B, Infantry, Richard was stationed at Ft. Carson, Colorado where he was assigned as an M60 gunner with the 4th Infantry Division.  While at Ft. Carson, Richard took the secondary military occupation specialty as an 88M, Motor Transport Operator.  Richard left Ft. Carson for his next duty assignment in Heidelberg, Germany with the 503rd Transportation Company.  His enlistment closed upon his honorable discharge in December 1992.


Troi Rimpson’s father, James Allen, was an Army Sergeant during the Vietnam War. He received the Purple Heart for his courageous efforts during battle. “My father-in-law was a hero,” said Richard. “He saved a lot of lives in Vietnam.”

The Rimpsons’ son, Walker, is also part of the military tree. He is currently a 92A – Logistics Specialist in the Army Reserve at Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado.

The Rimpsons are living in a crammed space. “We have no room to unpack all of our art stuff or have a place for really anything we own,” said Richard. “We also do not live in a great area but we have no choice right now.” Richard sand Troi are humble people who are determined to work for their success. That is why Habitat and its homeownership program made so much sense for this family – it is all about working hard and being given a hand up and not a hand out. “We knew this was not a free program and that you would have a mortgage at the end,” said Richard. “If you truly want to own a home and take pride in it, you are willing to pay and not have it just handed to you. Nothing worth having is free.”

When the Rimpsons were accepted into the Habitat program, there was an instant sense of relief. “We were so grateful and humbled by the moment,” said Richard. He and Troi were presented with their acceptance certificate by Tampa Bay Buccaneers kicking legend Martin Gramatica. His organization, the Gramatica Family Foundation, donated the land where the Rimpson Home will one day stand.

“We are so excited to work hard and build our home. I can finally get a good night’s sleep because I know my family is safe,” said Richard.


The Rimpson Family Home is the 2023-24 Habitat Veteran Home Build.

Branded by Stevie & Fern
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