community hero sponsorship

Since 2011, Habitat for Humanity has hosted a golf tournament to raise funds to build more homes for families in our community. We are excited to announce that the newly reimagined Golfing Fore Habitat Topgolf Challenge presented by Seminole Hard Rock Tampa will be held on Monday, November 4th at Topgolf St. Pete.
The Topgolf Challenge will replace the traditional tournament held in previous years. The event has been redesigned to provide more opportunities for sponsors and players to network with one another while being inclusive and inviting for those who do not participate in traditional golf tournaments.
We invite the business community to explore the unique team-building opportunity for businesses and organizations to get out of the office and build bonds with staff and clients while supporting the Habitat mission.

As part of our disaster relief efforts, Habitat for Humanity has created the Community Hero Sponsorship to honor and celebrate the local Linemen and First Responders who have worked tirelessly over the past few weeks to help rebuild our community.
For only $250, you can sponsor a ticket for a Community Hero to enjoy the event!
team build day packages
Our new sponsorship levels offer a combination of Topgolf fun for your team of six on November 4th
AND an exclusive Team Build Day on a Habitat Build Site!
Please see below for available opportunities and sponsorship benefits.

all team build day packages include:
– Opportunity to book 1 Team Build Day
– 1 VIP Bay for Tournament with Welcome Beer Bucket
– One Team of 6 players: Includes TopContender Tournament, Lunch, and Awards Reception
– Logo Signage at Bay
– Social Media Recognition
– Opportunity to Place a Promotional Item in Each Swag Bag
* View the sponsorship packet for full sponsorship details. *
what is a team build day?
Team Build Days are fun and impactful volunteer days hosted on a Habitat home build site for a business, organization, or group. Our volunteer days are extremely hands-on and a great opportunity for your team to create strong bonds with clients and
co-workers, all while making a difference in the community.
What is Included?
– Ability to reserve a volunteer build date for up to 20 volunteers
– Habitat volunteer T-shirts provided to build day participants
– Yard signage with company logo for day of volunteering
– Social media highlight of build day
– Annual recognition on our Donor Wall
sponsorships available now!
We invite you to consider a sponsorship for Habitat’s Golfing Fore Habitat Topgolf Challenge and be a part of this exciting new golf event!
Click the button below to view our available sponsorship opportunities for this year’s Topgolf Challenge. To secure your sponsorship, please contact Katie Rockman at 727-536-4755 ext 220 or