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We are continuing our Back-to-School Spotlights this week with Jazalynn, Haven, and Jaziyah!

Jazalynn is going into 7th grade and is looking forward to going back to class, seeing some friends, and trying out for volleyball this year. Last year, she made the JV Volleyball team and is excited to try out for the Varsity team this year. You got this, Jazalynn! Her favorite subject in school is math and her mom even considers her a math wiz! When she grows up, she either wants to be an accountant or work with celebrity accounts.

Haven and Jaziyah are starting “big kid” school in kindergarten this year. They are excited to meet new friends and teachers. Haven loves reading and arts and crafts while Jaziyah loves to play and draw. When they grow up, Haven wants to be a ballerina and Jaziyah wants to be a dinosaur finder. While they may have been extinct for millions of years, we still believe Jaziyah will be able to discover one out in the world somewhere!

The children’s mom, Erica, is a Habitat homeowner. She tells us that “My goal for my children this year is to experience new things. Hopefully meet new people and excel with the grades and behavior.” She believes that school and education is extremely important for her kids. “My children are being taught that education is important in life. Learning new things will better equip them with life within school and when they go on to do bigger things. School and learning are the best aspects a child can be given. Children need to have social and structure in order for them to be successful human beings. Regardless of which way in life they approach. Whether they go to college or start their own business.”

For kids like Jazalynn, Haven, and Jaziyah, growing up in a safe and affordable home is important for their education, future, and family. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for the Habitat for Humanity program, please check out the Apply Page on our website for more information.

“Home is where your peace, comfort, and love resides. Home is the foundation of your upbringing and the roots you plant. Home is where the love from your family is, as well as being the place that you can let down your guard, be you and be accepted!”

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